Nice to Meet You! I'm Traci

Your Guide to Financial Freedom

I believe you can change your money story and find financial peace of mind.

I have over two decades of experience in the investment business and have a passion for helping people achieve their financial goals. In Unlocking Your Financial Well-Being, I have created a powerful and unique approach to help you truly examine, analyze, and change your experience with money for the better.

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My Story

Imagine, stuck in L.A. traffic, my phone rings. It's the call that changes everything. 'Your adoption is finalized. You can bring your daughter home.' I'm overwhelmed with emotion. Fast forward, and we're standing before an immigration officer. He smiles, looks at my daughter, and says, 'Welcome to America.' She's finally home.

But let me take you back. After six years of IVF and two years of navigating the adoption process in Haiti, our journey was nothing short of a rollercoaster. And just when we thought we were at a dead end, a miracle happened. My second daughter was born just two months after we brought our eldest home.

Life was a dream, but not without its challenges. My toddler, adjusting to her new world, struggled. Simple outings turned into emotional battlegrounds. I was desperate for solutions. That's when I discovered neuroscience's power and its healing potential.

Yet, I was torn between my demanding job and my family. The guilt was crushing. I needed a change. I took a leap into entrepreneurship, but financial tensions at home were high. Avoiding our financial reality only deepened the crisis. Then it clicked: I was in a fight, flight, or freeze reaction to our financial situation.

I confronted my limiting beliefs about money, realizing that true financial wellbeing was about more than just numbers; it was about aligning my finances with my values. This journey wasn't just for my family; it became my mission to help others.

Through my podcasts, I've advocated for financial wellbeing and developed what I call building 'Neuro Wealth Pathways.' It's a pathway to financial freedom rooted in self-awareness and neuroplasticity.

So, I ask you, what beliefs are holding you back? Imagine what you could achieve if you confronted them. Let's rewrite our financial stories together and embrace true financial freedom.